NYC News Update & a Few Things To Do
Voting Registration Online, The Census Payout, CoVid Updates, the Economy & Events
October 2, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / U.S. Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Weather. The temperature highs will be in the high 60’s and lows in the low to mid 50’s. There’s a 10% chance of a tiny amount of rain Sunday. Humidity will be between 50% and 60%. And winds will be about 5 mph. All in all not a bad fall weekend.
Check Your Voter Registration / Or Register Online Using Link
The last day to register to vote in NYC / NYS is October 9, 2020. If you’re uncertain you are registered to vote use this link to check -
And if you find you’re not registered or need to change your voter registration [for example if you recently moved] then use this link to register -
I recommend voting in person if you’re at all able, as nearly one in ten mail in votes are disqualified on technical grounds. If you’re at risk for CoVid or can’t vote in person for any other reason, then vote by mail, making sure you follow all of the guidelines to the letter including sending it in as soon as possible. There was a huge mail ballot snafu in Brooklyn, so if you live in Brooklyn and received a mail ballot with an incorrect name on either the ballot or envelope, contact the Board of Elections for a new one.
Fill in the Census: We’re Lagging the Nation so We Could Lose a Lot of Federal Funding
There’s been a struggle over lengthening the time allowed for census takers to obtain census information. The original deadline was July 31st, which was extended to October 31st, which was shortened to September 30th, which was stayed until Sunday, October 4th. And today it was re-extended to October 31st. Given the back and forth I recommend filling it out right now, if you haven’t already.
Each person counted in the census is worth about $30,000 to $40,000 per person in federal funding for schools, hospitals, mass transit, law enforcement and social services. And it only takes ten minutes, which you can do now by clicking the photo at right. It’s the most amount of money you’ll likely ever make for the time expended in your life, so please do it for yourself, your family and / or your community. Here's the link to the census.
NYC and NYC lag the rest of the nation in filling out the census, which means we won’t get a proper share of funds and representation in Washington if folks don’t fill out the census and quickly. Currently just under 64% of New Yorkers have filled out the census, while in the state of Utah just under 71% have filled out the census. That’s a lot of cash in federal funding we’re leaving on the table.
Events & Things To Do in NYC & Cancellations
The International Center of Photography opened its doors on Thursday, October 1st with a new photo exhibit about CoVid. The exhibit uses photographs collected from around the boroughs, the state, the nation and around the world. You have to rsvp a spot online at and adherence to CoVid guidelines is required.
In October a number of normally huge events have gone online including the following.
The NY Film Festival at Lincoln Center went online beginning September 17th and runs through October 11th -
Comic Con has gone online for the weekend of October 8th - 11th.
Swimming at indoor pools is now possible effective Wednesday, September 30th at 33% capacity and with CoVid guidelines in place.
The Rockettes Holiday kickoff and season of performances has been cancelled for this year. They will participate in some manner in the blended online / staged Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
- CLICK here to read the rest of our report on the CoVid Pandemic in NYC including eviction extensions, CoVid layoffs, unemployment & hiring, CoVid Characteristics, Restaurants, Hospitality, Arts & Culture, Census 2020.
NYC News Update & a Few Things To Do
Voting Registration Online, The Census Payout, CoVid Updates, the Economy & Events
October 2, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / U.S. Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC. Continued.
Real Hoax: Is Hospitalizing the Donald for CoVid 19 an October Surprise?
Earlier today it was announced that both the Donald and Melania contracted mild cases of the Corona Virus. By the end of the day, the Trump Administration notified us that he was being moved to Walter Reed Medical Hospital "out of an abundance of caution". A phrase that was reportedly repeated numerous times to reporters.
Biden suspended attack ads on the Donald, pending further information on his condition, and Nancy Pelosi muttered something about the changing prospects for a stimulus deal. But the Donald was well enough to walk from the White House to the Marine One chopper on his own, and I did not see any photos of Melania accompanying him.
This Administration has been so dishonest and deceitful in its words, that I cannot help but wonder whether this is another one of their made for TV political theater stunts, to manipulate voters' perceptions / sympathies in order to gain a campaign advantage for an alleged sociopath who just disgusted the majority of Americans by his Neanderthal debate performance.
I've been researching how the Third Reich came to be, as I have found many parallels between 1920's and 1930's Germany and 2010's & 2020's America. Adolph Hitler is alleged to have staged 'political theater' to effect such ends while campaigning to be German Chancellor and thereafter. About such matters, Hitler said,
"If you win, you need not have to explain... if you lose you should not be there to explain."
This year alone Trump gasses peaceful protesters on the Washington, D.C. mall to to hold up a Bible and make the sales pitch that he's the law and order president. He then sent the Department of Homeland Security to Portland in what seemed an effort to stoke social tensions. In the debate he told the Proud Boys, an alleged White Supremacist group, to "stand back and stand by", which certainly shocked at least half or more of the nation.
So why wouldn't Trump use a ploy to gain sympathy to help restore people's perception of him? It seemed to help Boris Johnson in Britain, and as we know, Rupert Murdoch - who controls more media in Britain than anyone else - has been talking to or advising Trump through his pundits, media outlets and reportedly directly as well. A Canadian Broadcasting Company report on October 2, 2020 told us the following about how Boris Johnson's popularity SURGED SIX POINTS in the wake of Johnson going to the hospital for CoVid.
" ... However, after his [Boris Johnson's] hospitalization on April 5, Johnson's popularity surged again, rising from 54 per cent to 60 per cent, according to a YouGov poll ..."
But Donald Trump would never stoop to such cheap tricks ... would he?
CoVid Pandemic Stats, Therapies, Genetics & Health Safety Statutes & Fines
Nationwide. There are approximately 31,000 Americans currently hospitalized for CoVid, which is down from August levels, but trending up from mid September. About 45,000 tested positive yesterday, which is trending up about 4% versus a week ago. About 8% who have tested positive are under the age of 17.
NYS. New York State has seen a significant uptick in new CoVid cases in the past week or so. Most of the uptick is coming from about a dozen neighborhoods, mostly in Brooklyn, Queens and surrounding NYC Long Island and Westchester suburbs. Governor Cuomo is pressuring local law enforcement officials to start ticketing violators for non-compliance with mask wearing statutes and social distancing, which have the force of law per Public Health Law, Sections 201 & 206 and Executive Order 202.14.
Moderna announced yesterday that it’s vaccine would not likely be available to the public in production quantities before the Spring of 2021, assuming its test results are successful.
Regeneron announced preliminary CoVid dual antibody cocktail test results from a Phase II trial consisting of 275 patients. For patients with mild symptoms, it seemed to generate an immune response, but it was unclear whether it would be helpful for those who are hospitalized. The stock market was underwhelmed by the results.
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Published a study indicating that people with some Neanderthal genetics in their system don’t appear to fare as well and have more complications from CoVid than those without the gene strain -
Effective September 14, 2020 there will be a $50 fine for those using MTA buses and subways who do not wear a mask. In the Spring the Governor instituted a $1000 fine for those failing to practice social distancing. Note that failure to observe health safety protocols could get expensive, so do your part, as a public service, to do your best to follow the mask wearing, social distancing and other NYS CoVid health safety statutes which went into effect on July 9, 2020 -
Economy - Restaurants, Hotels, Retail and Theater Continue to Suffer
In August it was reported that about 87% of restaurateurs couldn’t pay full rent. Not sure what the number is for September. Tourists continue to stay away - internationally because of a failure at the national level to contain the virus so we’re banned - and at the state / national level NYS has its own quarantine restrictions which limit incoming visitors from states that fail to effectively control CoVid in their jurisdictions. Thus, the travel, dining, hotel and retail businesses - along with the theater industry as noted below - will continue to suffer for some time to come, as new CoVid cases are back on the rise.
The theater industry reportedly employs about 97,000 people in NYC, who have been out of work since the CoVid pandemic began. The theater industry reportedly generates about $15 billion in economic activity and it’s unclear whether that estimate includes indirect revenue including travel, hotels, retail and dining.
The National Restaurant Association issued a report on September 14, 2020 noting that about 100,000 restaurants have closed nationwide since the pandemic began and that about 40% of them don’t expect to survive beyond the next six months without government relief.
Economy - Real Estate & Eviction Protections
Only 10% of white collar workers are back in their offices in Manhattan.
In a survey of Chief Executives at over 300 companies found that 80% expected some sort of work from home would continue indefinitely, while another 20% thought that things would return to pre-CoVid conditions in time. On October 2, 2020 the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that about 22.7% of people teleworked in September, down from 24.3% in August.
The median prices for single family homes have seen good price growth, hitting $315,000 in September. Commercial real estate isn’t faring as well, in spite of near record low interest rates, because of the demographic trend noted above related to folks teleworking from home.
Eviction protection for tenants in NYS has been extended to January 1, 2021. Eviction protection for small businesses has been extended to October 20, 2020.
Economy - Unemployment, Demographics Hit Hardest & October Layoffs
ADP reported payrolls grew in September at 749,000 new jobs, showing the continued slower job growth as we saw in July [167k} and August [428k], following what at first appeared to be a V shaped recovery in May [3.3 million] and June [4.3 million].
Unemployment could rise again, as the PPP expires and municipal and state governments begin to make cuts because the federal stimulus deal isn’t likely until after the election, which is now less than five weeks away.
It’s unclear how October is going to end up, as the PPP requirement to retain workers through September 30th expires and a number of large firms have already announced their intentions to lay off tens of thousands this month.
The down economy appears to be hitting women and minorities hardest. A survey of 314 companies showed that about 25% of women are reconsidering their lives / lifestyles and may exit their jobs. And unemployment for youths aged 16 - 24 is trending at double normal at 18%.
Big October Lay Off Announcements & Amazon / Fed Ex Hiring
Disney announced it would be laying off 28,000 employees. United announced it would be laying off 13,000 employees and American Airlines announced it would be laying off 19,000 employees. The PPP stimulus requirement of keeping folks on the payroll through September 30th expired, so the layoffs could get worse.
Joseph Bank, a men’s clothier, announced that it is closing 500 stores.
Ralph Lauren announced that it will make cuts totalling $200 million in savings per year. They didn’t specify precisely from where the cuts would come.
Marathon Oil announced its planning layoffs and in the fossil fuel industry, likely many more coming.
A number of cities and states, and countries such as Finland are divesting fossil fuels from their portfolios in an effort to mitigate climate change and accelerate the transition to renewable energy.
As mentioned in a prior post, Amazon and Federal Express are hiring.
Consumer Sentiment & Consumer Confidence: How are You Feeling?
According to the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, future expectations were up about 5 points generally. Sentiment is usually an indicator of future spending.
The Consumer Confidence Board, a Nielsen Company, showed stronger future expectations in September jumping 17 points.
Consumer spending won’t become available until the end of October, but a September 18, 2020 report by CNBC indicates that folks have begun pulling back in the absence of more stimulus and the possibility of more layoffs in the wake of the PPP September 30, 2020 employee retention requirement.